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2014 Design Awards
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La Escuelita Education Center
(# 431)
Images Description Credits
The Project is the first of two phases of a multi-school campus. The entire complex is on a grid neutral site and is targeted to be the highest scoring CHPS project in the State.  Phase 1 includes a K-5 elementary school, a multi-use Great Room, Community Health Clinic, TV studio, and the District IT Data Center.  Phase 2 will deliver a high school and a child development center.  All three schools are integrated into one complex but each maintains its own identity with separate designated entryways. 

High performance sustainability was a primary driver of the design with all aspects of sustainability being highly visible. The project aggressively utilized CHPS criteria to establish the entire campus as a teaching tool through its responsible design and resource use. The new campus has become a source of great pride for its users and has been a key part of a community transformation.

01_Main_Entry.jpg 02_SitePlan_Aerial.jpg 03_Floor_Plans.jpg 04_Media_Center.jpg
05_Classroom.jpg 06_Kindergarten_Play_Area.jpg 07_Library.jpg 08_Outdoor_Learning.jpg
09_Community-Great-Room.jpg 10_District_TV_Station.jpg 11_Community_Health_Clinic.jpg 12_Exterior_Cool Towers.jpg
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