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Silverado Sports Complex
(# 89)
Images Description Credits
Completion 4 / 2013
Specific Use of Building Sports Facilities/Accessory Buildings
Project Location Victorville, CA
    The new Sports Complex provides college-level quality sports facilities and equipment and offers the opportunity to high school students and the community to learn and participate in different sports. The athletic facilities also foster community use and partnership with the city. For example, the Aquatic Center with the 50-meter pool can serve the community during summer months and the Celebration Plaza in front of the stadium used for pre-game and post-game activities, could also be used for community events and exhibits.  The Sports Complex provides the students the opportunity to train and excel in their sports in modern facilities, giving them the means to obtain athletic scholarships to many universities.  School spirit is promoted by the use of school colors on the bleachers, shade structures, and artificial turf in the football field where the school logo is used to inspire and support the school athletes.

    Most of the athletic fields are located in their original place and the most prominent design language was extended from the original campus to the new buildings and site structures. Native plants and landscaping surround the areas of congregation and several of the existing native Joshua trees were left untouched and incorporated into the overall design of the complex.

    Upon stepping down into the Stadium, you immediately made aware you are in “Hawk Territory” as you are welcomed by the great school mascot mural on the floor at the center of the Celebration Plaza.  The crowd is separated to the Home side or the Visitor side to promote security and control which allows maximum supervision. School spirit is emphasized throughout by the use of color, school mascot, and logo.

    While sports fields by nature are outdoor learning environments, the sense of community is created by strategically locating gathering spaces for the students and visitors in each particular venue.  The Stadium has the Celebration Plaza and areas nested between the Stadium buildings and the field. The Aquatic Center also provides a gathering space at the front entrance and a shaded patio area next to the concessions.  The varsity fields and sand volleyball are also provided with gathering spaces next to the concessions and restroom building. 

    The Sport Complex includes many sustainable and energy efficient plumbing and lighting fixtures and mechanical equipment.  Natural lighting with tubular skylights in all interior rooms reduces the number of lighting fixtures needed to be on during the day. Thermo-solar panels warm the pool and reduce the use of the energy efficient heaters. Bioswales and infiltration trenches around the fields filter water before it gets released onto the street and into the storm water system. This project also incorporates white cool roofs, artificial turf to reduce the use of fertilizers and chemicals, and a rubberized track to help reduce dust during wind storms. 


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