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Zero Net Energy
(# 196)
Images Description Credits
Completion 5 / 2022
Specific Use of Building Residential
Project Location Sept-Îles, Québec


The Québécois climate sees relatively colder temperatures compared to the rest of the world. Due to the fact that the average temperature stays around 25°F, attaining zero net energy would mean incorporating the most sustainable ways to retain heat within the building during the colder seasons.

Sun Shading

Through the sun shading charts we can analyze exactly when the building requires heating. The overwhelming amount of blue on both charts indicates that the building will require constant exposure to the sun in order to maintain warmth. From the charts the most optimal angle to orient window overhang can be derived. This variable was determined by analyzing at what angle the sun hits the window during the summer and making sure the overhang encompasses that value.

Southern Windows

With the optimal shading angle found the exact dimensions of the overhang can be calculated so that south facing windows can have the sun enter during the winter and also block out the sun during the summer. Knowing that the sun must hit the sill of the window at 60° during the summer, the overhang must have a length of 3.5' and an offset of 1' in order perform its dual function.

Window Shading Strategies

For each elevation of the building, dimensions of the punctures vary according to the path of the sun. The southern façade sees the largest apertures at 5' by 5'. Their large size is justified due to the fact that the calculations performed with the overhang allow for a greater control of heat from these openings. The northern and eastern façades have apertures marginally smaller at 5' by 2.5' since the sun shines on these façades in a more unregulated manner. The smallest apertures are found on the western façade as the sun aggressively hits this face of the building during the evening.

Building Envelope Optimization

Two options were considered with the building's envelope, a standard wood frame construction and a high mass construction. The standard wood frame construction would allow for the use of reclaimed wood, making the building's constructional footprint practically invisible. In pursuing the high mass construction the absorptive thermal qualities of concrete and brick would save on heating expenses at the cost of an enormous constructional footprint.


Solar panels massively impacted the building's total site energy. Twelve
80ft² panels offset the heavy cost of heating throughout the year so that the building is able to reach net zero. All four modules have roofs that are south facing to further increase the efficiency of these panels.

Neutral Carbon Energy

With the incorporation of electrical heating, electrical cooling, and solar panels solid fuel was able to be completely eliminated. Since the high square footage of the roof also meant a more generous laying of solar panels, the total power produced from the sun even allows the building to produce more energy than it consumes.

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