Gallery with Entries |
The 2024 AIAIC Design Awards program is being offered to feature and celebrate the architectural design being conducted in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. AIA members from AIA Inland California and AIA California Desert Chapter are invited to submit projects for consideration. Member entries can be located inside or outside of the chapter boundaries. AIA members from other chapters/components who work in the AIAIC and AIADC chapter boundaries are also invited to submit projects. Non-AIA members may also submit projects. |
The awards program is seeking meaningful participation by AIAIC and AIADC members to endorse and recommend submitted projects by establishing compelling arguments and commentary. More than merely a beauty contest or a popularity contest, the endorsement/recommendation process will rely on AIAIC members to support up to three projects in each of the two main categories: constructed and conceived, and provide critical rationale for their support. At the conclusion of the member review period, the Awards Committee will summarize the support documentation and determine the projects that have earned the most compelling support. The Awards Committee will recommend those projects to the Board who will make the final award determination. After the Board has determined their awards, an invited Jury will be asked to award “best of show” honors. The awards program review process and the awards program were both a huge success in 2022 and we look forward to duplicating those efforts this year! |